Hell's Kitchen
Here are some pictures of my super neighbourhood.i swear to god its supposed to be a good one.
well, at least its extremely calm. hardly anyone around ever (except no too far, theres a school, and chaos emerges twice a day when the parents come to deliver and pick up their kids)
also, there is a mosk not too far. a lot of expats i've met so far have nightmares with them and sleep with earplugs. apparently it sucks to be woken up at 05.45 am (it happened to me while i was at the hotel so i can relate).
however, for some wonderous acoustic magic, my bedroom is moskproof....i don't hear a thing....and i can sleep, and sleep and sleep....dam, i feel like going to bed right now for a quick nap hehe.
oh, and as you can see i have "chevres" close to home, but there are donkeys too....its like living in the middle of a macro deluxe farm, without the bad smell but a lot more sand;..