My home sweet home
here are some pictures of my house. well an appartment actually.i could have had something a lot bigger but i settled for this as i would have felt really weird alone in too big a house.
anyway, i can't complain either :p
1 big hall, 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 2 bathrooms, 1 cloakroom a kitchen and a big garage.
the appartment is a rez de chaussée and i have a direct entrance to the street (i'm still not sure of how happy i should be about this).
i should tell u guys that its slowly starting to look like someone lives in there. especially now that i have hired my precious maid, who does absolutely everything for me (well, not "everything" you perverts, she's a nice married woman).
when the house looks a bit better i'll post more pictures (i have plans, and it shall be awesome).