ok this one in french ;)juste un petit salut au maître. Mr. Calais
joeyeux anniversaire. désolé de ne pas avoir pu me rendre à paris. mais vu le prix des billets....500€ pour un weekend, ct limite. pour une super bombe...à la rigueur. et encore, faudrait que je soie sur de coclure!!
mais bon, nous nous verrons à bruxelles !!
on another note, i've prepared more photos and i hope to start posting them soon.
there are pictures of diverse days at the beach (i love wearing my swimsuit in february....i friend in Romanie sent me a picture of the situation over there (ICY) and my balls shrunk to a foetal size !) and also pictures from a little trip we took to the "banc d'arguin" a natural reserve at the north(i expected it to be green, but it was as desertic as everything else over here). its a migratory birds pit-stop ;)